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Do I need to be a fast runner?

Not at all. We are a very inclusive, welcoming club and cater for all levels and abilities.  Whether you want to train for a personal best, an event or you just want to have a lovely social run with friends!

Where do the runs and training take place?

Our skills sessions take place at Marngrook oval in Diamond Creek or Willinda Athletics track in Greensborough. Our Thursday and Sunday social runs take place in various locations around our local area.

How do I find out about the sessions?

You will need to download TeamApp to find out about training sessions and Sunday runs. TeamApp will show you the location of the run and enable you to RSVP.

What do I wear?

Wear whatever you feel comfortable to run in. If you’re new to running, it’s a good idea to get fitted for running shoes to avoid any foot issues. We have some awesome DCR merchandise that you can add to your running attire too!

Speaking of merchandise, how do I get some?

On our members website we have a shop tab through which you can order merchandise. We also have ‘open shop’ times where you can see and try on items. Our merchandise officer can arrange a time for you to see any items if you find it hard to make it to these times. Payment can be made in cash, bank transfer, through the shop tab on the website, or through card payment with our payment app.

What equipment do I need to bring?

Drink taps are not always available on long runs; a handheld water bottle or hydration vest can be worn. Even though there are drink fountains at our skills sessions, it’s a good idea to bring a drink bottle to hydrate during the session.

Coaches will advise on the Team App what facilities are available so you know in advance. For a long run, you may want to take some extra nutrition such as gels or other snacks.

Are there training plans available for events?

There are training plans available for most common distances on the members area of our website. You can also have a chat to one of our coaches about the best training plan for you to follow. Most likely, there will be other members attending the same event and it is so much better training with a group.

Training Plans

I’m worried everyone else will run really fast and I don’t want to be left alone or hold people up.

That’s not a question but that’s ok 🙂 We are a recreational running club and have members from children to 80+! Skills sessions are held on ovals or tracks so members can run at their own pace (round and round, sometimes fast, sometimes slow!) Social runs have a range of paces and runners, and different speeds and distances are catered for. Please chat to the coach at the session if you are at all concerned.

I’ve never run with others. Is it hard to run and chat at the same time?

Running with others is great. It doesn’t take long to get into the rhythm of running and chatting. You can start by running with a group that matches your pace and comfort level. Running with others can be incredibly motivating and fun.  It takes your mind off the running, enables you to connect with other runners, share experiences and get to know our wonderful club members.

I’m interested in joining – what do I do now?

Great choice! Send an email to Diamond Creek Runners: to express your interest and come and try a session with us. Or come and talk to our many members who participate in Diamond Creek parkrun at 8am on Saturday mornings. You’ll know us from our merchandise and friendly chats!

 You can also join straight away by following the below link:

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